Overcome pain with Medical Acupuncture or TCM Acupuncture – key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is a form of treatment that is used to relieve different kinds of pain, including headaches and migraines, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and pain caused by osteoarthritis.
Emkiro's Acupuncture Specialists
Dr. Michelle Kang, DC, R.Ac - Acupuncturist
Dr. Kang specializes in treating numerous conditions including acute and chronic spinal conditions, muscular conditions, common neuromusculoskeletal diseases including disc herniation and sciatica, headaches/migraines, shoulder/elbow/knee injuries, postural correction, women’s health, and sports injuries, among other conditions.
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Registered Acupuncturist
- Certified Active Release Therapy (ART) provider
- Certified in Guasha Treatment Techniques
- Certified in Webster Technique
Dr. Sarah Kamiel, DC - Acupuncture Provider
Dr. Sarah graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, with honours from Dalhousie University, and then went on to complete her Doctor of Chiropractic at New York Chiropractic College. While in school, she was president of the Student Canadian Chiropractic Association as well as Vice President of the Rehab to Performance Club, which allowed her to hone in on her special interest in human biomechanics and sport performance. Dr. Sarah also acquired her certification in Neurofunctional Acupuncture, from McMaster University.
Dr. Sarah grew up competing in figure skating and dance, which inspired her initial love of sport and movement. Now she spends her time enjoying powerlifting, running, and bouldering.
As a practitioner, Dr. Sarah strives to bring her patients to their goals, whatever they may be; lifestyle or sport-specific. Dr. Sarah believes that movement truly is medicine and wants to empower her patients by giving them the tools they need to become resilient and empowered in what they do.
Dr. Sarah works with her patients to determine what form of treatment works best with their goals and lifestyle. Treatment can include patient education, hands-on manual therapy, cupping, neurofunctional electro-acupuncture, joint mobilization, spinal adjustment, patient-specific rehabilitation and strength training programs.
Cindy Yan, R.Ac - Acupuncturist
Cindy (Ruwen) is a Registered Acupuncturist. She graduated from Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2017. Cindy treats patients with pain related illnesses and other health issues using acupuncture combined with other treatment modalities such as guasha. She enjoys helping people getting better and enjoys finding new ways to add to her treatment methods.
Emkiro’s Acupuncture Treatments
Emkiro’s acupuncture providers combine classic practices with new innovative techniques to give you the best possible acupuncture treatment.
Neuromuscular Acupuncture
Acupuncture is used to stimulate nerve-rich areas on the surface of your skin in order to influence different tissues, organs, glands, and various functions of the body.
Electro-acupuncture is a modified form of acupuncture in which a mild electric current passes between the needles during treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is used to balance your flow of energy or life force, commonly known as chi or qi.
Stop Smoking - Addiction Cessation Acupuncture Program
Acupuncture can help with smoking cessation by suppressing addiction and eliminating withdrawal symptoms.
Vertigo & Dizziness Acupuncture
Acupuncture can help with acute and long-term vertigo and dizziness.
Infertility & Women’s Health Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used as a treatment for infertility and to boost women’s health for thousands of years.
Anxiety & Depression Acupuncture
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturists target different acupoints to ease anxiety and depression symptoms.
Fatigue - Lack Of Energy Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to help people suffering from chronic fatigue.
Digestive & Immune System Acupuncture
Acupuncture can stimulate peristalsis and help the body’s immune system.
Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best medical solutions for your injury or condition. Our specialists collaborate to find pain treatments that are second to none. We strive to make our services accessible to everyone, which is why we bill insurance.
Book an Acupuncture consultation and start your journey toward a pain-free life.
Medical Acupuncture Fees (Performed by Licensed Chiropractor & Acupuncture Provider)
TCM Acupuncture Fees (Performed by Licensed Acupuncturist (R.Ac.)
We offer direct billing so you pay less. If you’ve got a benefit plan, your insurance provider will cover most of your Acupuncture expenses.
How Does Acupuncture Help?
Acupuncture helps with a variety of medical conditions. Some of the most common conditions acupuncture can treat include: pain, blood pressure, allergies, insomnia, menstrual cramps, osteoarthritis, anxiety and depression, strokes, and stress management.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturists target specific acupoints to achieve different results. By inserting very thin needles through your skin, the Acupuncturist tries to balance the flow of life force and the flow of energy, known as qi or chi.
After a thorough assessment of your condition, the Acupuncturist inserts the needles along the pathways of your life or energy flows so that the needles will disrupt the current flow and rebalance it.
Medical Acupuncture practitioners view the acupoints as places that can stimulate your nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. Some medical practitioners believe that the acupuncture needles can stimulate the body’s natural painkillers, thus relieving pain and producing other beneficial effects.
Book an in-person or virtual consultation with one of Emkiro’s experts and find out if Acupuncture can help with your condition.
Acupuncture FAQs
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
No, Acupuncture does not hurt. It is normal when a patient sometimes feels heaviness, aching or tingling around the site of the needle insertion.
The Acupuncture needles used are very fine and thin, and are unlikely to cause any discomfort. In general, most patients describe acupuncture as very relaxing.
How Deep Do The Acupuncture Needles Go In?
Typically, the acupuncture needles are inserted to a depth of ¼ to 1 inch. Depth depends on the size of the person and the target structure and location.
How Long Are The Acupuncture Needles Left In Place?
Once the needles are inserted, they are left in place for around 20 minutes, depending on the patient’s condition. During this time, the patient should remain still, relaxed and in a comfortable position.
Are The Acupuncture Needles Clean?
Emkiro uses only sterilized, single use, stainless steel Acupuncture needles. Once the needles are removed from their sealed packaging they are only used once and then disposed of.
How Many Acupuncture Treatments Does It Take To Get Better?
This depends on the condition being treated. If the condition is fairly new and uncomplicated, a patient may only need up to 5 Acupuncture treatments.
However, if it is a more serious condition the patient may require anywhere from 5 to 15 Acupuncture treatments. Some chronic conditions may require more sessions of Acupuncture.
How Long Does Each Acupuncture Treatment Take?
The first visit will include a full assessment where the patient is asked a number of questions about his or her health. A focused regional physical exam follows.
Following this, the first treatment is performed. This process takes about one hour, and around 30 minutes for subsequent treatments.
Emkiro now offers direct insurance billing.
Do Insurance Plans Cover Acupuncture?
Yes. The majority of Canadian workers have partial or full coverage for Acupuncture services in their workplace health care plans. It is recommended that patients check with their insurance provider.
Do I Need A Doctor’s Prescription For Acupuncture?
Some insurance companies may require a note from a physician explaining why Acupuncture has been recommended.
It is recommended that patients check with their insurance, and if needed they can make a medical walk-in appointment at Emkiro for a physician’s assessment and referral, usually on the same day.