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How to Improve Neck Pain in Toronto

Last Updated: November 22, 2024

If you’re experiencing neck pain in Toronto the following limited list may be the reasons why:

  • Sleeping in the wrong position
  • Sports injuries
  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive motions
  • Whiplash
  • Having your head in an unusual position for a prolonged time

It is always good practice to take breaks and move around, especially in an office environment. Below is an example of good practices:

ergonomicWorkplace ergonomics are key to a positive atmosphere. They help reduce costs by avoiding strain injures, it will improve productivity due to optimal comfort, improves employee engagement, create a safety culture, and so forth. Your employee’s comfort, safety, and happiness will contribute to your company’s bottom line.

There are several remedies which may be administered to possibly help relieve neck pain. For instance, resting, ice/heat therapy, massage, improving your posture, avoiding or limiting specific activities causing neck strains, physical therapy, manual manipulation, and acupuncture. These are only a few possible remedies which may positively impact neck pain.

If you’re not sure which remedy may be right for you it is always best to speak to a doctor for advice.

Feel free to contact us for your chiropractic care, registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, or acupuncture needs in Toronto:

Emkiro Health Services
70 University Ave. (Ground Floor)
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5J 2M4